Monday, March 14, 2011

Fifteen Months

My baby girl turned 15 months last week! Crazy to think that I have been a mommy for that long! She is so grown up right now. She is 15 months going on 15 years! She wants to do everything by herself and if you try and help her, she hits you....yes, she HITS! It's driving me nuts! So we are working on the behavior thing right now. She is still a little too young to understand discipline, but every week is a little bit better.

She practices her words constantly. She wakes up talking and goes to sleep talking. Her favorite words right now are "don't" and "get down". These usually come out when she is yelling at the dog, or yelling at her dad! She is in this phase right now that she really does not like her dad. Everyone says it's normal, but I know it breaks Scott's heart. I wish she would grow out of it already!

I really can't even contain this kid anymore. She is all over the place and SOOOO busy! She has more personality than any one year old I have ever known! She entertains me on a daily basis and I can't imagine my life any other way!