Friday, October 23, 2009


Is a great word to describe how I feel these days! Baby is growing beautifully! Last week, I went in and she was weighing in at a whopping 3.5 pounds! She is actually a little bit small, still within normal range, but on the small end of normal. Which, as long as she is healthy, I'm totally fine with that! Makes for an easier delivery, right?!? So here are a few pictures of her that I captured from the video of my ultra sound.

This one is her face...

And this is the awesome shot of her girly parts! This is the first time she has actually given us a full view, and as you can see, there is no doubt this one's a girl!

Also, I had my first shower on October 4th. My sister did an awesome job of putting it all together! It was nice to get all of our friends (well, pretty much family!) together! Here are a few pictures of that...

Also that same weekend, Paige threw a surprise party for Courtney's 30th birthday...

Last update...this week, Scott and I decided to take a drive up the canyon to Logan to see some pretty fall colors, just to get out of the house. That didn't really work out like we were hoping, since all of the pretty fall colors have pretty much turned brown up that way! We still got some pretty awesome pictures though!

So that's just a few of the best pictures we got on our little trip. I'd put more on, but I hate uploading pictures on here! It takes WAY too long!

Ok, so I think we're all caught up now! So October has been a pretty busy month, and November is only going to be busier! I have 4 showers coming up in November, so I'm sure I'll have many more pictures to post! Until then....

I Forgot....

I never posted any pictures from my mom's party! So at the beginning of September, My dad, sis, and me planned a surprise party for mom for her 50th birthday! We had it up at East Canyon. And in case anyone is saying "hey, nobody ever invited me", we were very limited on how many people we could invite. The most we could have was 50 people, which we maxed out on just after inviting family! We invited about 80 people and I think 49 showed up! Also, there were a few people that never got their invites! So I don't even want to hear of any whining because someone didn't get invited! (Yes, this has already happened!) Anyway, here are a few pictures from the partay!

The weekend really was a lot of fun! So many people came from FAR away just because they love my mom, and it was awesome to see her face light up when she saw people that she never expected to see!

We took the 4-wheelers up the canyon the day after the party so the boys could go out riding with my parents, Brad & Trishell, and Mike & Cyd. Scott had been dying to take the 4-wheelers out, but I can't ride them while I'm pregnant, so it has kind of been a no-go all summer. So when the opportunity arose, he was pretty pumped about it! So while the boys went out riding, my awesome sis stayed behind with me and we went and hung out at the pool all day. It was so nice of her to stay and hang out with me, plus it's always nice to get to spend some time with her when she's in town!