Monday, November 1, 2010

Sophia's First Halloween!

I don't know what is happening, but seriously, where has this year gone?? I can't believe it is November and I REALLY can't believe my baby is going to be a year old in a month! Crazy!
Well, her first Halloween was pretty low key for my liking! Grammie and Papa were in Vegas for the weekend, so they were not around to celebrate. Tina had to work, so she didn't do her annual Halloween bash. It was just kind of blah this year!
So on Saturday, we dressed Sophia up as a baby elephant and took her trick or treating around the block over to Aunt Candy's house. Then we hung out over there for a bit and made yummy caramel apples! After that, we got some McDonald's and went home and went to bed. Sunday, we dressed her up again and went to Grandma Red's house. She made some chili and Auntie Soom and Micheal, Mandi and Gage all came over too. It was a fun, but quiet weekend! Nice to have a 3 day weekend at home with my babe and my baby!