Monday, February 23, 2009


I have been bombarded with cake projects lately, it seems like! I'm totally loving it! There is something very therapeutic about it for me...weird, I know! So I made a cake last week and the week before, then I have 2 this week, plus Scott's birthday on Saturday! AAAHHHHH! Here are the ones I just did....
This one was for one of the nurse's at work. It was her grandpa's 90th birthday and all of the grandkids had to bring a cake. He is a big BYU fan, and for anyone who knows me, you know that I'm NOT! So this one hurt my gut a's like cheating or something!
The other one was for another one of the girls at work. It was her son's birthday, so we did a football field for him. It was a nightmare to make, but it turned out so cute!So that's all!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's A Sad Day...

When you can't even park your car safely anymore! Tuesday night, while I was at the Winner School teaching, my car got broken into. That's right, window broken, purse gone! I know what you are thinking..."you should never leave your purse in your car", so don't even say it! There wasn't really anything of much value in there. I don't have credit cards, debit cards, or even a checking account. So they aren't really getting away, money-wise, with much more than the $20 cash I had in there. I did have my W-2 from Willow Creek in there, which has my social security number on it. So, new ATM card on the way, fraud monitering on my credit, gotta go get a new license (this will be number 3 in the last year and a half!) and gotta get me a new purse and wallet, and a $250 new window today! I am really just angry! I really have never felt so violated and vulnerable. It just makes me sick to think that someone was so desparate that they would stoop to that level. You hear about other people's experiences like this, but never fully understand until it happens to you! Moral of the story...1. Don't leave your valuables in the car, 2. Don't park on the dark side street at the Winner School!

By the way....what do you do when you have a friend that has a potentially life threatening issue, that you have no control over and apparently, neither does this friend? Just a thought.....