Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Still Growing!

So this is my belly at 26-ish weeks! That was 3 weeks ago, and from my perspective, I have doubled in size since then!

I don't really have much to tell right now, other than things are still just goin'! I had my glucose screen about 3 weeks ago. Everything looked good! No gestational diabetes for me! Woo hoo! My iron is a little bit low. She wasn't too concerned about it for the time being, so neither am I. Baby's head is small....a miracle considering Scott and I both have gigantic heads! Again, the doc wasn't really concerned about it. She said I'll be grateful for it when it's time to deliver! As of that appointment, she weighed about 1 pound 15 ounces (amazing to me that they get that from an ultra sound!). And they say that in your 3rd trimester (weird to think I'm in my 3rd trimester!) they start to grow almost a half a pound a week! So I'm gonna be bustin' at the seams before too long! I already feel like I am! I just told Scott tonight that I think I'm going to have to pass on the shaving thing until after the baby is born. It's too uncomfortable! We finally got the nursery all painted and started moving stuff in there. We don't have furniture yet, other than a couple of shelves. I did get all of her clothes put in her closet. So, if nothing else, she has a cute closet! I have another appointment on the 30th, so more to come on this venture, as always!

I really don't have much else to tell for now! Anyone want to hire my husband yet???